
Back-To-School Tips

Ergonomics: yes ergonomics are just as important for kids as they are at the office. Slumping over a school classroom desk, just like slumping over a work desk, can lead to a lifetime of poor postural habits. Which then in turn will lead to musculoskeletal disorders, spinal joint restrictions (vertebral […]

How to beat the aging process – part II

Avoid or minimise sugar. There is a growing amount of research that is supporting the theory that the consumption of sugar is a poison and that it is definitely responsible for obesity along with an array of other chronic and lethal diseases. The most recent research is showing that fructose […]

Toxicity and Weight Loss

Toxicity refers to any kind of substance that takes our body away from its natural state of health. It is most commonly a chemical or nutritional stressor of some kind that is damaging to our cells. In our modern society they can, unfortunately, be increasingly easy to come by and […]

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