low back pain

Are your fitness goals too vain?

In today’s society we are bombarded with images through social media of what ideal fitness should be and should look like. And if I were to ask you what was the first image to pop in your head when thinking of ideal fitness I bet I could tell you exactly […]

Your Balance Age

The importance of our nervous system and the way our brain and body communicate is imperative in our life. If there is a disconnection between our brain and body all sorts of things can happen: We can have coordination troubles, learning difficulties, changes in personality, anxiety, and we can have […]


A Spondylolisthesis is a condition most commonly of the lumbar spine. It occurs when there is a stress fracture, known as a spondylolysis in the vertebra. This fracture can result in the forward slippage of the vertebra and once this has occurred, it is known as a Spondylolisthesis.

Approximately 5% of […]

Developmental Hip Dysplasia

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is an abnormal development of the hip joint. It occurs when the femoral head dislocates from the acetabulum, or in easier terms, when the hip dislocates from its socket.

DDH is usually diagnosed in newborns and can happen in utero, during delivery or after birth. […]

Back pain – it can happen to anyone.

Back pain can happen to anyone. Studies show that 80-90% of people will suffer back pain in their life and that at any given time approximately 30% of the population are suffering from pain. It can be debilitating, but too often we ignore the pain or mask it with an […]

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