
Do you have Nerve Pain?

Nerve pain is a product of entrapment or irritation of the nerve, somewhere along its pathway. Entrapment may occur between the bones of the body (from poor postural alignment) or from tightness in the fascial tissue. Irritation may occur from nutrient deficiencies or toxicities, diet or organ problems.

What are the […]

Friday, November 15, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Do you have Nerve Pain?

Osteoporosis and Chiropractic

Osteoporosis occurs when bones start losing minerals faster then the body can replace them. Calcium and Vitamin D are the main minerals involved and when levels become too low a decrease in bone density and mass will occur.

As most people know, Osteoporosis is more common in women, especially those over […]

Is your brain Left, Right or Balanced?

Relative to body size, the human brain is one of the largest among all living creatures. This is just not in size but in function as well. Conventional wisdom and general knowledge regarding sides of the brain states that artists and writers are right brained because they are creative, and […]

Facts About Chiropractic

1. Pain is the last symptom

Most people that suffer pain would have had the restriction or instability there for months or years before they would even recognise it. Stiffness and reduced range of movement can be some of the first signs, but just like a hole in the tooth, […]

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