Chiropractic Brookvale

Sleep, Back Pain and your Mattress

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, which equates to over 20 years of laying in bed. Sleep is essential for the body to recover and restore. It also helps the brain rest and reset for the following day. So the question is, if you are not getting a […]

Popping Joints

My Joints are popping. Is this normal?

Clicking, cracking, popping! If you don’t understand what this noise is, it can be a scary thing if it is coming from your body. You might think that the noise is the sound of your bones breaking. Or if you continue to do this, […]

Eczema and your Diet

Atopic Dermatitis or eczema as it is commonly known predominantly affects children under 5yrs of age. Eczema is a superficial inflammation of the skin and a myriad of factors can contribute to its development. Often there is a familial history of eczema so genetics does play a role in part; […]

Flat Head Syndrome & Brain Development

Plagiocephaly or flat head syndrome literally means oblique head (Greek: plagio = oblique, and cephale = head). It can be classified as two types:

  1. Synostotic Plagiocephaly: is the early fusion of cranial sutures that prevents symmetric brain and cranial growth. Called Craniosynostosis and requires immediate attention from your Pediatrician and […]
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