Chiropractic Allambie


What type of headache do you have?

You potentially have experienced a headache in your lifetime and a lot of times our default assumption is it’s a “migraine” type headache. But would you believe that migraines are only one type of primary headache and not even the most common one! Chances […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What is ITB Syndrome

 The Iliotibial (IT) band is a thick formation of fascia that runs along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee. It extends over the outside of the pelvis, over the hip and inserts just below the knee. Its major role is to stabilize […]

Golfers & Tennis Elbow

Have you ever experienced pain in your forearm when typing? Lifting a bag? Or twisting a door handle?

You may actually be experiencing a variation of “golfers or tennis” elbow. Yes, contrary to popular belief, you can suffer from these types of injuries without playing these two sports. It is quite […]

Preventing Low back Pain Through Exercise

Low back pain affects almost every person at some point in their life. It can limit and restrict how people go about their daily routines. Low back pain can be caused by a variety of reasons such as sports injuries, arthritis, overuse, being overweight or just physically reconditioned […]

Runners Knee

Almost every runner will complain about an injury or soreness at some point in their life. The most common of these complaints is the knee. Knees are crucial for humans to run. Without them, running wouldn’t not be possible as they act as a shock absorber and cushion […]

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