babies chiropractor

Scoliosis Screening Initiative

As most of you know, scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, which can start from a young age and is usually idiopathic (of unknown origin). It involves a rotation of the vertebra, which can lead to symptoms of back pain, headaches, migraines, digestive issues and sometimes, developmental disorders.

Scoliosis […]


A Spondylolisthesis is a condition most commonly of the lumbar spine. It occurs when there is a stress fracture, known as a spondylolysis in the vertebra. This fracture can result in the forward slippage of the vertebra and once this has occurred, it is known as a Spondylolisthesis.

Approximately 5% of […]

Hippy Chick

You have a beautiful baby that you have nurtured for those first months of life. You have cared for them 24/7 and they have blossomed and grown. During this growing phase they’re obviously getting bigger and heavier. As a parent you’re continually lifting and carrying your child, this in turn […]

When to introduce solids to a baby

I’m often asked by parents when is the best time to introduce foods into a baby’s diet. When can they start solids? With a baby you are responsible for nurturing them from an emotional and physical point of view, but we should also look at nurturing their digestive system. With a […]

Developmental Hip Dysplasia

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is an abnormal development of the hip joint. It occurs when the femoral head dislocates from the acetabulum, or in easier terms, when the hip dislocates from its socket.

DDH is usually diagnosed in newborns and can happen in utero, during delivery or after birth. […]

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