This list can help you identify if your child’s academic problems are either a right or left brain weakness. Don’t expect to just tick off only right or left brain issues. Nothing is never so pure when it comes to dealing with human individuality. But if the brain is imbalanced, you will note from the results that there will be a tendency to tick off more in one hemisphere than the other.

Each list will consist of 30 descriptions. The idea is to add the ticks up from each list of descriptions and see if the numbers are equal. If there is a difference it might give you an insight into if one hemisphere is weaker than the other. In other words are you right or left brained when it comes to learning.

Right Hemisphere
* poor math reasoning (math word problems)
* poor comprehension and pragmatic skills (can miss the main idea or what the story character was thinking)
* misses the big pictures
* very analytical – process ideas sequentially, step by step
* doesn’t understand jokes
* very good at finding mistakes such as spelling errors
* very literal
* speaks without reaching a conclusion
* talked well from an early age (speech precociousness)
* was an early word reader
* has a fascination with letters and numbers
* high Iq but with noticeable disparity in skills
* interested in unusual topics
* learns in a rote (memorisation) manner
* knows extraordinary amounts of specific facts about a subject, such as train schedules, TV schedules, baseball stats, world capitals
* excessively impatient
* displays poor voice inflection (speaks in a monotone with little or no expression)
* poor sound levels in speech (either can speak too loudly or softly)
* poor nonverbal communication (can’t read facial expressions or body postures)
* speaks too loud regarding what he or she is thinking
* talks in your face (space invader)
* good reader but does not enjoy reading
* thinks analytically, makes logical deductions from information
* academic difficulties were picked up late because decoding and spelling were very strong
* likes to make lists and plan
* follow rules without questioning them
* easily memorises spelling and mathematical formulas
* enjoys observing rather than participating
* more likely to read an instruction manual before trying something new
* math was the first subject that was problematic

Total ______

Left Hemisphere
* very good at the picture skills
* intuitive thinker – led by feelings
* good at abstract ‘free’ association
* poor analytical skills (difficult breaking things in to smaller parts)
* inquisitive about what others are doing or why rules exist
* difficulty with prioritising
* unlikely to read instruction manual before trying something new
* naturally creative, but needs to apply self to develop potential
* would rather do than observe
* misreads or omits common small words
* had difficulty naming colours, objects, and letters as a small child
* needs to hear or see concepts many times in order to learn them
* is exhibiting downward scores in achievement tests and/or school performance
* schoolwork is inconsistent
* was late in learning to talk’
* had difficulty in pronouncing words (poor with phonics)
* had difficulty learning the alphabet, nursery rhymes, or songs as a small child
* acts before thinking
* makes careless mistakes
* reads slowly – tends to misreads, omit, or repeat words
* sometimes writes letters backwards
* poor at math operations – has difficulty counting or calculating, such as long division
* had above-average number of ear infections
* has a poor memory for facts and figures
* has poor academic ability
* performs poorly on verbal test
* needs to told something several times
* spells poorly
* poor test performer – doesn’t read directions well and misinterprets questions
* has poor memorisation skills

Total _____

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This article is written by Dr. Steven Cannon, Chiropractor – Neurohealth Chiropractic